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! Action Required !

Submission Deadline 5 for West Burton Solar

is 11th April 2024.


It's time for us all to have your say regarding the impact on our community and the size and scale of these applications by or before this deadline.


Please take a look at this aerial footage of the four solar schemes on the West Burton National Infrastructure website.


You an also view this video on our 'Have Your Say' page.


It does not include Steeple Renewables or Stow Park (which it should), and with this, it would amount to 13,000 acres of industrialised solar zones.

All within a 10-kilometre radius (6 miles).


The cumulative impact of this monstrosity could well be our saving grace if we shout loud enough about this blight. We must not miss this opportunity!


You can have your say by clicking the link:


Or by  You can also comment further on any of the following:

  • Comments on any submissions received by Deadline 4

  • Any further information requested by ExA

  • Responses to the ExAs Second Written Questions

  • Comments on submissions for Deadline 4A


Lets keep pushing and remind the examiner of our thoughts and feelings.

You can al also email 


Let's not miss this opportunity to have our say.

Visit this page - National Infrastructure Planning Wesbite - to understand the planning process for National Infrastructure projects and how you can make your voice heard at all the necessary stages.

Help us to continue our fight.

Donate just £5 now

To support all the volunteers who scrutinize every piece of information, communicate to you what, how and when to act and how to act and to spread the word so we can gain more support and traction as we fight this real threat to our countryside.

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