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Sir Edward Leigh played a pivotal role in a recent Open Floor Hearing.

H Lockwood-Geck

Prominent British Politician Sir Edward Leigh played a pivotal role in a recent Open Floor

Hearing addressing the considerable challenges posed by large-scale solar farms in


The public hearing was part of the Examinaton process for the West Burton Solar Park, one

of the four extensive solar farm proposals that could cover over 10,000 acres of land,

spanning from Gringley in the west to Hemswell in the east, and reaching as far south as


In attendance at the Open Floor Hearing for West Burton Solar, Sir Edward Leigh

demonstrated his unwavering commitment to representing the best interests of his

constituents, arguing against the designation of these projects as "nationally significant," he

asserted that “they should undergo the regular planning process, with decisions resting in

the hands of the local community, particularly the people of West Lindsey’’.

He went on to express his concerns that “the four developments proposed for our area must

be considered as one’’, emphasising “that the burden of contending with not just one, but

four Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) is undeniably challenging for the

public – A true David and Goliath story’’.

Additionally, he stressed that “planning policies encourage such developments to be situated

on brownfield sites’’, highlighting the agricultural value of the land, he pointed out that “3b

land is equally productive as 3a for wheat cultivation’’. Expressing scepticism about the

purported benefits, he contended that “these projects primarily favour a select few large

landowners and developers from London, leaving no tangible advantages for the local


The significance of Sir Edward Leigh's attendance was further supported by the participation

of concerned residents from more than 30 villages situated in and around the footprint of

the West Burton, Cottam, Tillbridge, and Gate Burton Solar Farm projects. Notably, the

"7000 Acres Group," representing an extensive membership base, was actively present at

the event.

This pivotal public hearing cast a revealing spotlight on the substantial concerns that

surround the development of large-scale solar farms in Lincolnshire. It provided a critical

platform for the local community to voice their opposition and reservations regarding the

potential downsides of such projects.

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